TomskSoft - DevOps
service provider company
at affordable prices
- Automate everything with tools and modern infrastructure
- Improve IT scalability, cost, and security
- Empower your business with actionable insights
- Troubleshooting just become easier
Years in Business
DevOps Projects
Professionals on a Team
What we do
We create sustainable systems that improve
software delivery
Migrate Servers and Applications to the Cloud
Our team can help you choose the correct platform, and migrate your servers, databases, and applications. An infrastructure based on cloud solutions helps to become more agile and lowers expenses for the largest enterprises and fastest-growing startups.
We are good at lifting you to the clouds: Amazon Web Services, DigitalOcean, OVH, CloudFlare, Azure, Google Cloud.
Container Orchestration to Automate and Manage Tasks
A container is the same as a virtual machine, but instead of using expensive hardware emulation, the host operating system runs contained software in an isolated environment. The isolation benefits of running software in a virtual machine retain without the load delay or expenses of running a nested operating system.
Our favorite Container orchestration tools are Docker and Kubernetes.
Configuration Management and Deployment Automation
Configuration management can automatically implement updates across many servers at once. Making quick and efficient changes is an excellent way to save the time of your technicians and make their work more productive.
Deployment automation is requiring great care and attention to detail in developing configurations and managing systems with them. We have the skill, experience, and vision is necessary to use tools safely and efficiently.
The best tools for configuration management are Ansible, Puppet, Chef and Terraform.
To avoid costly interruptions, we make a monitoring process that warns us instantly if your service slows down, becomes unavailable, or isn't returning the right information. We work proactively to prevent problems and resolve unavoidable problems as quickly as possible.
We use Zabbix, Prometheus & Grafana for monitoring. With these tools, your system can benefit you and your users consistently.
CI/CD, Build and Package for Developers
You can host and review code, manage projects, and build software. Our team can automate tests of a new code, allowing you to get feedback quickly and feel confident knowing the testing process works.
Build & deploy automation and package manager integrations significantly improve efficiency across all projects.
Platforms we consider the most effective: Jenkins, GitHub, Teamcity, Conan, Artifactory.
Analytics with ELK Stack
«ELK» is the acronym for three projects: Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. Elasticsearch is a tool for search and analytics. Logstash is a server‑side data processing pipeline that ingests data from multiple sources concurrently, converts it, and then sends it to a «stash" like Elasticsearch. Kibana helps users visualize data with charts and graphs in Elasticsearch.
Reliably and securely take data from any source, in any format, then search, analyze, and visualize it in real time. Our team will support you.
DevOps toolkit we frequently use
It's only our favorite ones

Our people make TomskSoft your perfect partner. Meet the team you'll be working with.-
Ilia Bezkhodarov
Anton Tushmintsev
Pavel Zinoviev
Tech Lead, System Administrator -
Alexander Romanov
System Administrator -
Mikhail Kalneus
Support Engineer